Friday, October 20, 2006

Batman and The Peak of Human Perfection

You hear it all the time on comics and movies: characters and people that trained to peak physical and mental perfection. Some of those that pop into my mind are Batman, Ozymandias (Watchmen), Doc Brass (Planetary) and even tv characters like the Pretender and Kwai Chang Caine. But what is that? ...physical perfection?! And is it really necessary?
Physical perfection like the one of the Batman is something related with strenght, speed, agility and even hardness like a thai fighter ( being able to hold a beating). Then there's the other level like Kwai Chang Caine, someone who is able to control and is aware of all bodily functions. But is it really possible to do it? But looking at popular magazines like MenĂ‚´s Health and all other related to fitness and exercise we really believe its possible to achieve physical perfection in 7 steps or in 30 days worth of exercise... yeah right...
Unless you have unlimitedresourcess or live on a monastery its verydifficultt to dedicate so much time to that goal. Take for example the real life cases of Olympicathletess and Martial Artsgrandn masters: they dedicate lots of hours during the day to perfect their skills... And then can they be called the peak of human perfection? They also get sick. So another element iscontrollingg yourimmunee system and having a strong one. And how do you do that? If you read any New Age book basically its just keeping yourself happy and confident and your body will repel any decease... the truth is... it works. really check any motivation or self help book and they'll show you the numbers of people who better their health by their mind state.
So you must train your body and train your mind and you have physical perfection?! But wait your gonna go trought all that work for what? Getting a costume and fight crime? Police gets paid for that you risk a bullet in the brains... So.... You need a goal. And that is the key: you can have a specific goal and work to that (sell a product, becomepowerfull, ...) or you can just work to that never-endingperfectingg of your skills goal. A cross between Einstein (decoding the universe) and Leonardo DaVinci (inventing new and better ways to do things that are "impossible"). Ok great! Don't stand there. leave this computer get to work.... :) yeah but your happier sitting heresmilingg reading funny things, right? i agree or else i'de writing for nothing:)
but don't get demotivated, i didn't meant for that i like to believe those models of perfection they make us want to be better and i think they really help us. each human generation is stronger, smarter and faster than the other.. So maybe in two generations the Batman will be just a guy with a costume :)
anyway if you want to get any work done check these sites: