Thursday, September 03, 2009

how powerful the brain really is

I've just read this awesome article: Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why. and I also recommend you do so since this thing just confirmed what has been know for many centuries and then forgotten: that healing is mostly a "faith" issue.
The article asks the question on why has the placebo effect been growing for the last 2 decades, it mentions the effectiveness of ad campaigns by evoking uplifting associations, so researchers say, the ads set up the kind of expectations that induce a formidable placebo response. I agree and not for the drugs also for everything you do/buy. Sports brands ads: they have long ago figure this out - your performance with some new shoes is improved by the kind of experience you associate it with. Visualization training that most Olympic athletes and even NASA astronauts go through can only mean that your brain holds the most powerful healthcare system within.
But the question remains, why would the placebo effect seem to be getting stronger worldwide? My answers are simple: there's a new shift in though worldwide, check any books best-selling chart and you'll spot "feel good / self-help / self-esteem" consistently on the top. Oprah books, "the secret", etc. There's also the same trend in blogs: the "improve yourself - improve your life" theme is growing by the numbers. Also the abandon of traditional religions is getting people to feel less guilty about their choices, they're not getting punished - they can feel better..
And you know what? I LOVE IT. because
Big Pharma's attempt to dominate the central nervous system has ended up revealing how powerful the brain really is. The placebo response doesn't care if the catalyst for healing is a triumph of pharmacology, a compassionate therapist, or a syringe of salt water. All it requires is a reasonable expectation of getting better. That's potent medicine.

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